Monday, September 20, 2010

Holiday Snaps 2 The English Channel

While we were in the UK we had a chance to stay with an aunt and uncle who lived in Folkestone, Kent in an apartment that overlooked the English channel (yes I could see France and yes, I did try to do a blur-o-graph of the French coast more of that later maybe)
The mornings were alway gorgeous and the light on the water was too good to resist. Here then are a couple of blurs of the English Channel...
This first one is a blur of the clouds in the sky
This shows the shadows of the clouds on the water.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Holiday Snaps (part one)

It has been pointed out to me that things have been quiet on the blur-o-graphy front lately. Well the truth is I've been on holiday back home in England and I've taken lots of photographs both normal and blurs. So its taking me a while to go through them. But I do have plenty of blurs to share with you. This first group of three come from the Rimac nature reserve North of my home town of Mablethorpe in Lincolnshire.
Rimac is a remarkable place of sand dunes and saltmarsh. Quiet and tranquil and though you are less than half a mile off the main coast road you would thing that you were in the middle of nowhere.
These views are of the saltmarsh with the sea and some surf in the background.

I'm inclined to think that these pictures would look pretty good displayed as a triptych.